Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Scott

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the the preacher's content from the Jan 12 Sunday Morning Sermon

Day 1: The Reality of Eternity                   Reading: Luke 12:1-5

Devotional: Jesus warns us to be on guard against hypocrisy and to fear God rather than man. This sobering passage reminds us of the eternal consequences of our choices. Today, reflect on your priorities. Are you living for temporary earthly pleasures or eternal heavenly treasures? Ask God to realign your heart with His purposes and to help you live with an eternal perspective. Consider how you can invest in your relationship with God and in the lives of others in ways that have lasting impact.

Day 2: God's Love Amidst Suffering       Reading: Romans 8:35-39

Devotional: In a world where wildfires and natural disasters can devastate entire communities, it's easy to question God's love. Yet Paul assures us that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ. Meditate on the depth and constancy of God's love for you, even in the midst of trials. How have you experienced God's presence in difficult times? Pray for those facing hardships, that they might know God's comforting love. Consider how you can be an instrument of God's love to someone in need today.

Day 3: The Light of the Gospel              Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Devotional: Paul speaks of the "light of the gospel" being hidden from unbelievers. In a world often shrouded in spiritual darkness, we are called to shine Christ's light. Reflect on how you've experienced the illuminating power of the gospel in your own life. Are there areas where you might be unintentionally hiding your light? Ask God to help you boldly and lovingly share His truth with others. Look for opportunities today to let your light shine through acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or sharing your faith story.

Day 4: Salvation Through Christ             Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Devotional: This passage powerfully contrasts our former state of spiritual death with the new life we have in Christ. Salvation is entirely God's gracious gift, not something we can earn. Take time to thank God for His incredible mercy and the new life you have in Christ. How has your life changed since coming to faith? Reflect on the good works God has prepared for you to do. Ask Him to guide you in living out your salvation in ways that bring glory to Him and draw others to His love.

Day 5: Hope in the Face of Judgment    Reading: Revelation 20:11-15, 21:1-4

Devotional: While Revelation speaks of final judgment, it also paints a beautiful picture of the new heaven and earth where God will dwell with His people. For believers, this is a message of hope, not fear. Meditate on the promise of God wiping away every tear and making all things new. How does this eternal perspective change how you view current struggles? Pray for those who don't yet know Christ, that they might find salvation and hope in Him. Consider how you can share this message of hope with someone in your life who needs to hear it.