Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the themes from the sermon preached Sunday January 26:
Day 1: Recognizing God's Truth
Reading: Romans 1:18-23
Devotional: In a world that often suppresses truth, we are called to recognize God's reality in all of creation. Today, take time to observe the intricate details of nature around you - a flower, a tree, or the sky. Reflect on how these creations point to an intelligent, powerful Creator. How might acknowledging God's presence in your daily life change your perspective and decisions? Ask God to open your eyes to His truth and to give you the courage to live by it, even when it goes against cultural norms.
Day 2: The Danger of Idolatry
Reading: Exodus 20:1-6, Romans 1:24-25
Devotional: We all face the temptation to place created things above the Creator. What are the "idols" in your life that compete for your attention and devotion? It could be work, relationships, possessions, or even good things like family. Consider how these might be distorting your view of God or taking His rightful place in your heart. Pray for discernment to recognize subtle forms of idolatry and for the strength to keep God at the center of your life.
Day 3: God's Design for Sexuality
Reading: Genesis 2:18-25, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Devotional: God's design for human sexuality is a beautiful gift, but one that our culture often distorts. Reflect on how God intends sex to be an expression of love and commitment within marriage. If you're single, consider how you can honor God with your body and relationships. If married, how can you cultivate greater intimacy and faithfulness with your spouse? Ask God to align your heart with His purposes and to give you compassion for those struggling with sexual brokenness.
Day 4: The Universal Need for Salvation
Reading: Romans 3:21-26, Ephesians 2:1-10
Devotional: Today's passages remind us that we all fall short of God's glory and are in need of His grace. Take an honest inventory of your own life - what areas of sin or struggle do you need to bring before God? Thank Him for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. How can you extend the same grace and forgiveness to others that God has shown you? Pray for opportunities to share the hope of the gospel with someone in your life who needs to hear it.
Day 5: Living Out Our True Identity
Reading: Colossians 3:1-17
Devotional: As believers, our primary identity is found in Christ. Reflect on what it means to be "hidden with Christ in God" and to "put on the new self." What old habits or thought patterns do you need to "put to death"? What Christ-like qualities do you want to cultivate more fully? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you live out your true identity as God's beloved child. Consider how embracing this identity might impact your relationships, work, and daily choices.