Feb 16, 2025    Pastor Scott

Day 1: The Nature of God's Love Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Devotional: Today, we focus on understanding the true nature of God's love. As we read Paul's beautiful description of love, let's remember that this isn't just a guide for human behavior, but a reflection of God's character. God's love is patient, kind, and enduring. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs or delight in evil. When we struggle with impatience or unkindness, let's pause and remember that God never grows impatient with us. His love is constant, unwavering, and unconditional. Today, reflect on how God's perfect love has been demonstrated in your life. How can you mirror this divine love in your interactions with others?

Day 2: Faith That Produces Work Reading: James 2:14-26 Devotional: Our sermon highlighted that faith produces work for God. James echoes this sentiment, teaching us that faith without works is dead. This doesn't mean we earn our salvation through works, but rather that true faith naturally results in action. Consider how your faith is manifesting in your daily life. Are there areas where God is calling you to put your faith into action? Remember, our labor is motivated by love - both God's love for us and our love for others. Today, pray for opportunities to demonstrate your faith through loving actions, no matter how small they may seem.

Day 3: Salvation Through Christ Reading: John 3:14-17 Devotional: At the heart of God's love is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. These verses remind us of the incredible sacrifice God made out of love for us. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Jesus was lifted up on the cross, becoming the focal point of our faith and the source of our eternal life. Reflect today on what it means that God loved the world "in this way" - through the giving of His Son. How does this supreme act of love impact your daily life? Let this truth sink deep into your heart, renewing your gratitude and strengthening your commitment to live for Him who died for you.

Day 4: Hope in Suffering Reading: Romans 5:1-5 Devotional: Our sermon touched on the concept of endurance inspired by hope in Christ. Paul expands on this idea in Romans, showing us how suffering produces perseverance, character, and hope. In a world full of challenges, our hope in Christ becomes an anchor for our souls. This hope doesn't disappoint because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Today, consider any sufferings or trials you're facing. How can you view these through the lens of hope? Ask God to strengthen your faith and deepen your hope as you endure, knowing that He is working all things for your good and His glory.

Day 5: Knowing God Fully Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 Devotional: We conclude our week by contemplating the promise of knowing God fully. Paul reminds us that our current understanding is partial - we see dimly, as in a mirror. Yet a day is coming when we will see face to face and know fully, even as we are fully known. This promise should fill us with anticipation and motivate us to seek God more earnestly now. While we can't comprehend God completely in this life, we can grow in our knowledge and love for Him. Today, reflect on how your understanding of God has grown over time. What aspects of His character do you long to know more deeply? Commit to pursuing a deeper relationship with God, trusting that as you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.