Feb 23, 2025    Pastor Scott

Day 1: The Nature of God's Love Reading: 1 John 4:7-12

Devotional: God's love is not just an action or emotion—it's His very essence. As we read that "God is love," we're invited to contemplate the depth of this truth. How does knowing that love originates from God change our perspective on relationships? Today, reflect on how you've experienced God's love in your life. Consider ways you can allow God's love to flow through you to others, remembering that when we love, we're reflecting God's nature. Pray for a deeper understanding of God's love and the ability to share it freely.

Day 2: Love as Sacrifice Reading: John 3:16-21

Devotional: The ultimate demonstration of God's love is found in the sacrifice of His Son. This sacrificial love goes beyond words or feelings—it's love in action. As you meditate on Jesus' sacrifice, consider the areas in your life where you're called to demonstrate sacrificial love. It might be in your family, workplace, or community. How can you mirror Christ's selfless love today? Ask God for the strength and courage to love others sacrificially, even when it's challenging.

Day 3: The Transformative Power of God's Love Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Devotional: Paul speaks of how Christ's love compels us and makes us new creations. When we truly grasp God's love for us, it has the power to transform every aspect of our lives. Reflect on how your understanding of God's love has changed you. Are there areas where you still need to allow His love to renew your thinking or behavior? Pray for God to continue His transformative work in your life, making you more like Christ each day.

Day 4: Love in the Midst of Suffering Reading: Romans 8:35-39

Devotional: Life often feels like Chippy the parakeet's experience—tossed about by circumstances beyond our control. Yet Paul assures us that nothing can separate us from God's love. In times of trouble, we're not just loved by God—we're held securely in the love that defines His very being. Today, consider any challenges you're facing. How can you rest in God's unchanging love amidst these difficulties? Ask God to make His presence and love tangible to you, especially in moments of struggle.

Day 5: Abiding in God's Love Reading: John 15:9-17

Devotional: Jesus invites us to abide in His love, comparing it to His own relationship with the Father. This abiding is an active, ongoing process of remaining connected to God. It's in this connection that we find true joy and the ability to love others. Today, examine your spiritual practices. Are you nurturing your connection with God? Consider implementing a new habit that helps you abide in Christ's love, whether it's more intentional prayer, Scripture meditation, or acts of service. Pray for God's help in remaining rooted in His love so that you can bear the fruit of love in your own life.